My 2018 reading list

Books (with sprinkling of articles & podcasts) that have stuck with me throughout 2018
- Scale by G West
- Engineering Systems by O de Weck, D Roos, C Magee
- Thinking in Systems by D Meadows
- How Buildings Learnby S Brand
- Pace Layering article by S Brand
- Sciences of the Artificial by H Simon
- Computers and the World of the Future by M Greenberger
- On Being podcast with D Kahneman
- Governing the Commons by E Ostrom
- The Shape of Automation by H Simon
- Between Human & Machine by D Mindell
- Futurism Fails at Culture article by T Vanderbilt
- The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin
- Alice in Wonderland by L Carroll (re-read)
- The Information by J Gleick
- On Trails by R Moor
- Harnessing Complexity by R Axelrod & M Cohen
- Willing to Learn by MC Bateson
- Rescuing Prometheus by T Hughes
- Herbert A Simon by H Crowther-Heyck